Scandal at school in Mallakastra with massive duplication of students ID numbers in the registers

28/05/2024 21:14

The investigative program “Fiks Fare” reported a scandal in Mallakastra in central Albania, where the identification numbers of the former students of the high school “Dervish Hekali” have been massively duplicated, raising suspicions that the diplomas were sold for money.

In fact, the director of the Mallakastër Education Office, Etilda Disha, has also fallen victim to this forgery. Ms. Tatjana Beqiraj, who currently lives in Germany, complained to the editors of the investigative show.

“I was in that high school in the years 1991-1995. After high school, I went to university and graduated. I’ve been living in Germany for several years, where I wanted to convert this school diploma to one of that country,” says Tatjana. A few weeks ago, she went to “Dervish Hekali” gymnasium to get a certificate, but the secretary and director of the school told her that someone else’s name appears with her ID number.

After the complaint, she goes to the “Dervish Hekali” gymnasium and meets the secretary Nertila Agimi and the director Vullnet Sadikaj. The secretary tells him that she cannot give him a certificate without the appropriate notes, as it cannot cover what was done long ago. The secretary admits that there are many problems and the only “evidence” is in the registers.

“Fiks Fare” journalists went to the education office in Mallakastër, where the only one at work was an employee. He admitted that there are many problems in that school, but the ZVA only conveys the problems and cannot solve them. The employee also talks with the director, who tells them that he will forward this issue to the Fier Regional Directorate of Pre-University Education. But up to now information has been exchanged only between the high school and the ZVA office, minimizing the abuse scandal, where a “victim” is also Etilda Disha herself, the director of this office.

Journalists asked some questions to ZVA, but until the broadcast of this program they did not receive any answers.


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