Rama on social distancing: Even pedestrians can kill, Elbasani’s yellow dots will become the model

06/04/2020 18:00

Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama posted today some photos from the city of Elbasan where the yellow dots are being painted on pavements, to serve as distancing points for the citizens while they queue in shops, adding that they should become as instinctive as zebra crossings.

Among other things, the Prime Minister expressed congratulations to the Municipality of Elbasan for the initiative adding that in the Covid-19 situation, pedestrians too can become killers for other citizens.

“This will be the standard everywhere and the yellow dots will become like the zebra crossings or traffic lights, with the obligation to be respected by everyone with punitive measures to be exerted for their violation.

“Until yesterday only vehicles could injure and kill people, today even pedestrians are a danger to each other, so until the world returns to normal, we must coexist with rules that until yesterday no one could have imagined”, stated Rama.


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