Rama gathers field inspectors during first day of fight against informality operation

01/09/2015 00:00

Prime Minister Edi Rama called in special meeting representatives of all institutions that will carry on the operation against informality. In what he described as the toughest job in his quest of state building, Rama confirmed that 600 hundred inspection groups have been engaged for this operation headed by the Prime Minister himself.

“I sady to the citizens of the country that when you refuse to by something without receiving the bill, you become part of a patriotic struggle, because you refuse robbery, something that prevents the country to get to the next step fo civilization”, Rama said.

Rama warned again any state employee from tax authority and customs who collaborates with wrongdoers would face time in prison like the ones of electricity operator.

In the same meeting, Finance Minister Shkelqim Cani and Economic Development Minister Arben Ahmetaj, stressed once again that the operation is not a war message to the businesses operating in Albania, but against those who break the law.

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