Protests at Prime Minister for prices increase: Resist without stopping, block every inch of the country

09/03/2022 21:01

The increase in the price of oil made today citizens gather to protest in front of the Prime Minister with calls for uninterrupted demonstrations.

“Albanians before overthrew the dictatorship when they united. While we  are protesting here, the leader is in Dubai.

“The president of Ukraine gives his people hope, our one says grit your teeth to endure the crisis,” said one of the organizers, referring to the prime minister’s earlier statement when he called for endurance to face the energy crisis.

Lecturer Ervin Goci demanded that Albanians block every inch of the territory until the government stops raising prices.

Other speakers said that the protests will not be stopped, as from today onward “we will gather again to protest at 17:00 in front of the Prime Minister. I demand the resignation of the Minister of Energy today because to me the damage is already done. I get out of the house, buy, walk, I’m taking the money to the well every second. Of course, we can not give up some vital services because we have family members, illnesses”, said Goci.

“But the solution is not to give up the protest, there should be a total blockade in every cm of Albania, farmers, farmers, taxi drivers, every Albanian should block every cm of the territory until it changes”, Goci addded.

“Albania does not produce anything. Who is to blame for this? The government is to blame. Resist without stopping. Tomorrow at 17:00 we will be here again, the protests will not stop”, he added.


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