Reducing plastic bag usage is one of Tirana’s Municipality most
important projects, which started in April, after raising awareness for
one year against their usage.
But do people use less plastic bags now that they are sold and not given for free with the product?
“50 subjects do not distribute free plastic bags any more. There is a 60% reduction. Producers also say there is a smaller demand”, says Diana Mile, Environment Director at the Tirana Municipality.
The Municipality has another request for bakeries. They will not be allowed anymore to use plastic bags even after their products are packed in paper bags.
“There will be an agreement with the Tirana Municipality to sell bakery products only in paper bags”, Mile said.
But what are the companies that joined this initiative?
“The first businesses to join are the better structured one, with several branches. The impact will be much higher when small shops and markets join the movement as well”, Mile adds.
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