Opposition PD expels its founder Berisha and his supporters from the party, after the January 8th protest

11/01/2022 20:24

Lulzim Basha had decided to close the door to rival democrat Sali Berisha, expelling him from the party he founded.

The same fate befell the Democratic MPs who supported him, Flamur Noka, Edmond Spaho and Albana Vokshi, as well as the former chairman of the National Council, Bujar Nishani.

The party leadership decided to take a softer measure for the 19 members of the rival Re-establishment Commission, Democrat MPs Agron Shehaj, Belind Këlliçi, Edi Paloka, Luan Baçi, Oerd Bylykbashi and Tritan Shehu, who have been suspended from leading positions and the parliamentary group, to be reinstated if they “distance themselves from the events of January 8.”

The reason given by the DP for punishing the Democrats is the violence of Saturday’s protest called by Sali Berisha.

The Democratic Party continues to be the main opposition force, but with a reduced weight of only 42 deputies.

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