Ministers Balla and Balluku announce measures for road traffic during the tourist season

24/05/2024 15:54

Deputy Prime Minister Belinda Balluku and Interior Minister Taulant Balla spoke today at the meeting in Tirana, “Safe roads, safe tourism”, announcing the measures taken for road safety in the tourist season and new road investments.

“We will have for the first time in Albania a Thumanë-Kashar highway with a speed of 130 km/h, which will require added attention from the police,” Balluku emphasized, while adding that new projects in the road infrastructure respond better to the increased flow of tourists.

“On the other hand, there is the Blue Corridor, a road line that connects Albania with the rest of Europe. From June 30, the Thumanë-Kashar axis will be accessible to all citizens”, she added.

The minister said that the Llogora tunnel Pass will open a new gate for just seven minutes. “Something else very important that was mentioned by both colleagues is the safety awareness, which the citizens themselves should have”, she continued.

Meanwhile, Minister Balla affirmed that the State Police will engage more than 1,600 officers in the tourist areas and beaches, a large part of them from the Traffic Police.

Despite the decreasing number of road accidents, Balla appealed for compliance with traffic rules to avoid fatalities on the road. He said that in order to monitor the road axes, high-tech devices such as cameras, radars and drones will be used. He mentioned one of the main projects where work is being done to increase road safety, known as “Smart City”, which will start to be implemented in big cities, or the use of artificial intelligence.

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