Meta in Montenegro: “Albanian symbols must be respected”

12/07/2016 00:00

The Albanian Parliament Speaker, Ilir Meta, held the first speech in
Albania at the Parliament of Montenegro, where he expressed his
gratitude to the Montenegrin people for welcoming Kosovo Albanians
during the war crisis.

He addressed to some pro-Serb Parliament Speakers in the opposition who protested against Kosovo during his visit in Podgorica.

“As regards the message given by some opposition MPs regarding my visit in Montenegro, I have a message for them. I guarantee them that we are focused into working together for the future with every country of the region, certainly with Serbia too. Albania’s relations with Serbia are progressing each day, and we are committed to take them to an excellent level within a few years, to the same level of the relations with have with Montenegro, since this is the only way that guarantees a safe future for our citizens”, Meta said.

The Parliament Speaker then inaugurated the installation of Albanian translation in the Parliament of Montenegro, calling it a real democratic achievement. “The Albanian MPs of Montenegro will speak Albanian. This is a democratic achievement”, Meta said.

He underlined that more should be done for the Albanian people, by respecting property rights. “Tuz should be an independent commune. Ulqin should administer its own marine goods”, Meta said.
Ai ka theksuar se, duhet bërë më shumë për shqiptarët, duke kërkuar respektimin e të drejtës pronësore. “Tuzi duhet të jetë komunë e pavarur. Ndërsa komuna e Ulqinit duhet të administrojë vetë të mirat detare”, ka thënë Meta.


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