Kruja Prosecution trasnfers “Airport Robbery” case to Serious Crimes

07/07/2016 00:00

After concluding that the airport robbery was the act of a criminal
group, the Kruja Prosecution sent it to the Prosecution of Serious
Crimes in Tirana, which will start studying it within 10 days and give a
security measure for five defendants who are left in prison by the
Kruja Court.

The Prosecution has received the documentation, and sources say that 30 minutes before the trip with the money started, the Nazeri company was notified through a secure e-mail. The same e-mail was sent to the Airport Customs Agency and the air company that would receive the money.

The money is calculated in kilograms and the transportation was made with the presence of a Bank official. The first violation is when the money passed at the Cargo services in the airport.

The procedure say that the money is passed in presence of Bank officials and of the driver of the security company, but the latter was not present. This, according to the sources, is the first violation. The other one is that the vehicle doors were kept open.

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