Italy, law against moving call centers abroad affects Albania

25/11/2016 00:00

The Budget Commission at the Italian parliament approved a law that
foresees strict rules for companies that move call center services
abroad, such as in neighboring countries like Albania, which has brought
Italian employees to protest.

The new norm foresees to pardon those who moved their activity to non-EU countries before the new norm entered in effect. Companies will be forced to give a communication within 60 days, or they will be fined with 10.000 EUR for every day of delay.

Companies that transfer these services abroad will also have difficulties to be part of public bids.

Representatives from the main unions says that the amendment will not return the jobs to Italy, they will only shift them to an EU member country, such as Romania.

They advise, however, stricter inspections in this area. However, it is still unknown if the law will be changed in the Senate.

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