Illegal lime kilns resume production

07/06/2011 16:35

After waiting for many weeks the weather to improve, the lime kilns of Fushe Kruja have started working by burning car tires.

Law violators and environment polluters profited from the apathy of the state institutions, a situation created by the elections, for fueling the kilns not only with tires. This time, the illegal lime producers have also used waste materials from shoe factories, which, as plastic materials, cause a lot of pollution if burned.

The smoke caused by these lime kilns is responsible for a great part of pulmonary diseases and skin cancer.

These toxic substances arrive even above the Albanian capital. State institutions have started investigations for several times and have proceeded with some owners, but no one of them was ever found guilty.

Construction Inspectorate, in cooperation with the Ministry of Environment, undertook an action for destroying illegal kilns some time ago, but they were rebuilt again, challenging the strength of the Albanian state. Even today, in Kruje and Fushe Kruje, considerable amounts of toxic smoke continues polluting the air, while the greatest part of the forest around has been cut for fueling the kilns.

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