Fiks Fare/ Former police and “strongmen” occupy the courtyards of nurseries and kindergartens in Lushnja

10/04/2024 21:32

The program Fiks Fare on Top Channel reported on Wednesday the occupation of kindergartens’ and nurseries’ spaces in the city of Lushnja by ex-policemen or local “strongmen”.

The newsroom of the investigative show received information that public spaces, gardens and nursery yards in the city of Lushnja in central Albania, have been occupied.

“A nursery school and a state garden in Lushnja have been occupied. Inside garden no. 2 in Lushnjë there was an oranges garden, but was occupied by a former policeman. There he also built a house without permission. Meanwhile, a strongman lives by the nursery in front of the “Kongresi i Lushnja” school and has occupied it. The whole community of Lushnja is worried about what is happening” – wrote the citizen.

After this complaint, the Fiks Fare group traveled to Lushnja, to see where these properties were occupied. First, they went to the “Loni Dhamo” neighborhood, where there is a former nursery built before 1990s. It is a two-story building, but families already live there. The building is in front of the “Kongresi i Lushnja” school. A few meters away, there is another two-story building in the “Skënder Libohova” neighborhood. This building is also occupied by family members. “We privatized it because it was our property. After the privatization, we each got our share,” says a resident.

Fiks Fare also went to kindergarten no. 2, in the “Liberation” neighborhood, to the address sent to us by the informant that it was occupied. 3 of the 4 sides of the yard were now private and a garden has been made into a wall and a 1-story house. Journalists talked to two of the teachers of kindergarten no. 2 in Lushnjë. One says that she was in the garden in that building and everyone was freed. They took them a few years ago. “The children have nowhere to go, now they are taking over everything. Children want freedom”, says a kindergarten teacher.

Another says that the illegal fencing was done after year 2000 and has now reached the garden wall. The classrooms of the first floors and the eaterie at the back, but cannot open the windows that go out into the family yard.

The journalists also talked with Mr. Muharrem Sharka, director of Kindergartens and Nurseries in Lushnja. He admits that the courtyard of Garden No. 2 was occupied from 3 sides, as he adds that it happened “when the state was not functioning”. “They acted then, that’s why we are in this situation now. We have tried several times, but we have not succeeded”, says Muharremi. “I don’t know if it was legalized or certified. We plan to reconstruct it soon because there is a need and we will see all the possibilities to free it”, he continues.

Fiksi also asks about other addresses. “We need 1 kindergarten and 1 nursery school in Lushnja. We are looking at the possibilities of freeing one of these captive spaces,” says the director, adding that he has freed a nursery in Lushnja. The Fiks Fare group goes with the director to the liberated nursery school. There are two buildings next to each other in that place. The nursery building has been vacated, while the kindergarten building has not. “We also plan to release this, we need a garden” he concludes.


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