European Conservatives to the Albanian government: Stick to the June 5th agreement

01/08/2020 15:00

The Party of European Conservatives and Reformists, ECR, through a statement on the recent parliamentary vote on constitutional changes, said that it is contrary to Albania’s European orientation and NATO standards.

The ECR has addressed the ruling party with a direct call to abide by the June 5 Agreement and the consensual codification of this agreement which has been approved and is already law.

“The European Conservative and Reform Party ECR strongly condemns the deliberate breaking by Prime Minister Rama of the consensus that political parties in Albania reached on June 5 with the support of the international community, for the Reform of the Electoral Code of Albania.

“The unilateral action of the Rama government to change the Constitution, changing the electoral rules only a few months before the scheduled elections, in order to stop the opposition parties from forming electoral coalitions, goes against the European orientation of Albania.

“The European Conservative and Reform Party (ECR) is deeply concerned about this practice, which runs counter to OSCE recommendations for free and fair elections and is inconsistent with the democratic standards and norms of NATO and its member states. EU. The Party of European Conservatives and Reformers – ECR calls on the ruling party in Albania to stick to the June 5 Agreement on Electoral Reform and its consensus-approved codification, which is now law.

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