Corruption report, MPs percepted as mostly corrupted in Albania

16/11/2016 00:00

Transparency International published the corruption report based on a
poll made with 60.000 citizens in 42 European and Central Asian
countries, including Kosovo and Albania.

1500 citizens were questioned in Albania about corruption in key sectors such as the Traffic Police, Documentation Issuing offices, courts, education, health, etc.

The Albanian citizens believe MPs are the most corrupted and that they have paid bribes for at least one of the public services in the past 12 months.

The corruption perception scale, as Albania’s biggest problem, goes to the way how the government is fighting it. And the perception level in Albania is average, higher than some EU countries.

The Global Corruption Barometer asked citizens if they have bribed officials, and 34% of the interviewed in Albania answered positively, 10% in Kosovo, which is the lowest in the region. The highest in EU countries was in Hungary, Romania and Lithuania, from 22% to 29%.

Transparency International gives four key recommendations for all countries included in the poll: “reduce political corruption and help people report it without fear. Governments must guarantee and independent judiciary, especially in countries that are undergoing EU accession talks, reducing the influence of the executive government on the judiciary, and support and protect whistleblowers.


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