Charges against MP Ristani and 140 road-blocking protesters in Lushnje

24/04/2017 00:00

The state police declared that they will file criminal charges against protesters in Lushnje, where they blocked the main roads.

Police say they have the necessary documents to sue 140 protesters, including MP Arben Ristani and the leader of the Democratic Party branch in Lushnje, Myslim Murrizi, both organizers of the protest.

The police had declared earlier the day that the protest of the opposition was illegal, since it had not been authorized by the police.

“The claim of the illegal organizers, who said they only need to notify the police before the meeting, even if they put the citizens’ lives in danger, or even if they block the circulation of people and goods, is completely unacceptable”, the declaration says.

The state police underlines that despite the resistance of the illegal organizers, they were able to deviate the traffic through secondary roads.

“Today’s protest has violated law 8773 for meetings, although they were notified by the respective authorities”, police says.

“Police is working to take the material to the respective prosecutions”, the announcement continues.

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