Basha: Electoral reform, our top priority

11/01/2020 20:29

The Democratic Party leader, Lulzim Basha, held a meeting at the Democratic Party HQ with journalists.

He said that the electoral reform remains their top priority.

“First of all, we must not lose a single moment to fulfill the criteria of the Bundestag, which are the only way to open the negotiations and make Albania an EU member.

“That’s the only way to attract funds from the EU and to administer them in the best way possible, for acute needs, such as the recovery from the November 26th earthquake, agriculture, health, education, etc.

“I had several meetings in Italy during the past day and I was impressed by the fact that Romania is the only EU country that receives direct funds from the EU, and it’s three times larger than Albania’s budget.

Without the goodwill to fight crime and corruption, with the country plunged into corruption, this government and this Prime Minister are keeping us away from Europe.

This is not just a small thing. We are talking about millions of Euros that Albania is losing each day, money that the European taxpayers give to have them approach the economy, health and education to the European standards.


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