Basha: “Corrupted international representatives support Rama”

08/04/2017 00:00

The Democratic Party leader, Lulzim Basha, launched serious accusations
against the representatives of the international community who have
supported Prime Minister Rama’s position for the past two years.

“Together with a bunch of corrupted international representatives, they have built up the myth that Edi Rama wants the judiciary reform, and that we don’t. For a long time that made us keep saying that yes, we want the reform. But I have understood it is useless to be civil and defensive against the evil”, Basha said.

The Democratic Party leader has one message for Prime Minister Rama and representatives of the international community: “This is the day to tell Edi Rama and anyone who supports his plot against the freedom of Albanians, regardless of their passports, that they will never have the Albanian judiciary in their hands. We will never hand justice over to the drug cartels”, Basha said.

The DP leader said that the judiciary reform will be implemented only when its six main laws will be reviewed with the consensus of the opposition after July 22nd.

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