Bar owner shot dead by moving car in center of Lushnja, 5 njured

24/08/2021 15:07

A grave event happened last night in Lushnja in central Albania, where in an firearms assassination attempt one citizen was killed and five others were wounded.

A barrage of bullets were fired last night from a moving car towards 34-year Bledar Muça, who lost his life on the way to the hospital, while five other people were injured, including two women, who are out of danger.

The incident took place on the main pedestrian road of the city, while Bleda Muça was sitting at the table of a bar he managed. The perpetrators have not yet been apprehended, but according to witnesses at the scene, they were two masked persons who shot from the window of a white ‘Golf’ car, without license plates.

About 18 kilometers away from the town of Lushnja, in the village of Thanasaj, was found a burning vehicle which is suspected to be of the perpetrators. Top Channel learned earlier that businessman Muça, a father of two, married the niece of Roland Shyti, also known as the “Red mustache”, member of the gang “Revege for justice”. One of the injured was Judmir Velo, 32-year-old grandson of Roland Shyti.


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