Arqile Bollano is elected the new “commanded” mayor of Himara municipality amid debates

07/06/2024 21:26

The Municipality of Himara has elected with 12 votes in favor and 9 against, the commanded new mayor, Arqile Bollano.

The Council of the Municipality of Himara held a meeting for the temporary mayor, after the earlier resignation of Blerina Bala from the post of commanded mayor, and after the imprisonment for vote byuing of the elected mayor Fredi Beleri, in the coastal center in the southwest of Albania.

Today’s process was accompanied by tensions and debates among members.

The process started with the reading of the letter of resignation that Bala submitted, and then the vote was taken to elect the person who would replace her.

The appointed Chairman Bollano is expected to remain in this position until the final resolution of the situation with a final decision by the Court of Appeal. If the elected mayor Fredi Beleri is convicted, then there will be an election, but if he is declared innocent he will take office.

From the prison held for buying votes, the elected president Beleri described Bollano as a failure and a servant of the government, while his election as ‘the next blow to the sovereignty of the people of Himara’ since an unelected president is appointed.

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