Among accusations of irregularities, Basha is elected for the third time at the head of the opposition Democratic Party

14/06/2021 18:21

Lulzim Basha received today the third mandate to lead the largest opposition force, the Democratic Party, for the next four years. Out of over 41,000 Democrat members who took part in the voting, 32,882 of them voted for Lulzim Basha.

Second most voted was the candidate Agron Shehaj with 6,038 votes, followed by Edit Harxhi with 991 votes and Fatbardh Kadilli with 763 votes. Sunday’s vote was preceded by strong accusations by Mr. Basha’s rivals of numerous irregularities.

The only one who appeared before the media to comment on this election process in the DP and reiterate the problems was Fatbardh Kadilli, who said that saw democrats, party founders, former MPs, leaders and public figures who did not find their name in the lists of Democratic members.

“I am not here to justify my result nor to express regret for Luli’s ‘publicity victory’. What you have seen speaks for themselves better than I do: You had inequality of means, inequality of human resources, and inequality of financial resources in a very short time. You saw a chairman who did not leave office and used the party administration; we saw MPs, and branch presidents who did not maintain the ethical distance nor the standard required by the instructions of the presidency and the national council not to interfere in the process; they had to reduce the list of members from 100 thousand to 70 thousand”, stated Kadilli among other things.

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