Airport money van robbery, two security officials left in prison

04/07/2016 11:35

Five people were arrested after the Rinas Airport robbery. They are charged with power abuse and faced Court this Monday.

The Court has left in prison the person in charge for accompanying the money, who was not at his designated duty, and the Director of Airport Services, Vangjel Nikolla.

The legal representative Nikolla said that his client is not responsible. He blamed only the police.

“The responsibility doesn’t necessarily fall on the house owner, but on the police and the government who did not take enough measures to defend the external territory of the airport”, lawyer Vladimir Mece said.

The Chief of the ICTS station, Arben Karafili, and two patrolling agents, Bledar Blloshmi and Fadil Jonuzaj, will face court another day, since Judge Enkeleda Hoxha, who was firstly appointed, withdrew due to a conflict of interest, because these defendants are being represented by Fatmir Braka, with whom Judge Hoxha was on the same side in a civil trial.


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