21-year-old female officer ends her life with the service weapon, boyfriend talks with police at the scene

24/05/2024 21:08

21-year-old Aldorjana Loshi, officer at police station no. 5 in Kamez on the outskirts of the capital Tirana, ended her life today with a bullet in the chest with her service weapon.

It is suspected that she was alone at home when she ended her life, while it took the intervention of the fire brigade to open the door of her apartment.

The young woman, originally from Klos in the northeast of Albania, lived alone on “Ali Demi” street in Tirana and for a year and a half she worked with the patrols of police station no. 5 in the capital.

The police questioned the girl’s boyfriend at the scene, as a person who may have knowledge of the reasons that pushed the 21-year-old to the extreme act. He said he had not been able to reach her on the phone.

The victim did not have her father, while she left behind her mother and a younger brother.

According to the information during the shift of the previous day, she did not show any sign of concern that could cause doubts about her welfare.

The reasons that led the young woman to the extreme act are still unknown, while the investigative group is working to clarify the circumstances of the event.


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