The EU also disappointed by Basha

13/07/2016 00:00

The European Union expressed their regret for the refusal received by the Democratic Party on the Justice Reform proposition.

The EU delegation in Tirana reacted after the proposition presented by the opposition, saying that the credibility of the justice reform depends on the credibility of the vetting of judges and prosecutors.

“To guarantee this, the specific limited role of the international community through the Monitoring International Operation is essential”, the declaration says.

For the EU, this is in full accordance with the Venice opinion, which foresees this role for the Monitoring International Operation.

“The current proposition for compromise reflects our clear position that the international community must guarantee a powerful monitoring so that the process can be credible, including the pre-vetting of the members that make the vetting institutions, and giving this way negative recommendations”.

The EU explains that the international community has never suggested any executive power, since it is essential for the Albanian authorities to preserve complete direction.

The declaration says that the negotiations should not reach a positive conclusion: “This will be also discussed by the Vice General Secretary of the EU Foreign Action Service, Helga Schmid, during her visit in Albania”, the declaration says.

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