Business according to Germans: “Albania, hybrid even in economy”

12/04/2016 00:00

More than half of businesses the businesses at the German Association of
Trade and Industry DIHA, give a negative evaluation to the economic
situation in Albania, compared to one year ago.

“The deteriorated factors are the public administration, the unpredictability of economic policies, legal security, transparency in tenders and corruption”, says Rolf Castro Vasques, President of DIHA.

These factors list Albania among the last ones in a list of 20 states, leaving behind only Kosovo. The evaluation, Mr.Vasques said, is done through the German system from 1 (very good) to 6 (not attractive to investments), and Albania is listed with 4.7 points.

“What we have noticed is that in other countries we have contact points unchanged through the years. The government cabinet changes have no influence and they keep staying on their duty. We would want to see that employees in Ministries to be able to give their opinions. As for the rule of law, German businesses say foreign firms are inspected more than 20 times a year by the tax office”, explains Rolf Castro Vasques.

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