Fewer business loans due to long paperwork and bad loans

26/05/2017 00:00

Businesses are taking fewer loans, which has caused a discussion among experts.

Alban Zusi, former Deputy Minister of Agriculture, says that the first reason is the inability of businesses to invest, due to the lack of industrial areas and due to the bureaucratic procedures that are required for finalizing that investment.

Elvin Meka, editor of the “Bankieri” magazine, says banks have strong reasons to be careful with businesses, since there is a huge stock of unpaid loans, which come from businesses. Besides this, the electoral period also has its influence.

But what happens if businesses don’t take loans? Former Minister of Finances, Arben Malaj, said that businesses cannot grow without loans, but informal loans may increased instead.

But how can this spiral come to an end? Malaj says commercial banks must understand that without a developed economy there can be no successful banks. And for the economy to be developed, more structural reforms are needed.

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