DP assisted by Merkel’s CDU for electoral program

05/11/2016 00:00

The Democratic Party will receive assistance from German experts of the
CDU and the Konrad Adenauer foundation, for the government program with
which they will run in the next elections.

DP leader, Lulzim Basha, said that the first step is bringing down the current government, which he considers corrupted and criminal.

Besides public order and security, the DP leader believes that a good governing is done by better redistributing the revenues. Basha said that the model of the right wing is lowering taxes.

“A 9% flat tax, 15% VAT and no spending that doesn’t go to tax payers”, Basha said.

Matthias Schafer, leader of the economic policies at the Conrad Adenauer, said that the DP program is suitable for the problems that have withheld the economic growth.

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