DP, Duma: “US State Department report, alarm bell for Albania”

14/04/2016 00:00

The Secretary for Public Relations at the Democratic Party, Grida Duma,
quoted the report of the US State Department and declared that it is
proven now that corruption is extended in every branch of the

“This is the biggest problem with Albania, the conclusion of the US State Department. The annual report of the US State Department puts corruption on top of the list”, Duma said.

The representative of the biggest party in the opposition mentioned some cases that according to her show the corruption in mass, in basic sectors of the country.

“The corruption of 340 million EUR in the health system, divided between Edi Rama and Ilir Beqaj with his friends and clients, while people are dying in hospitals because they have no money to buy medicaments. Corruption of 400 million USD that were stolen by customs and tax offices in one year, while businesses are closing their activities because they cannot pay the higher taxes. The corruption with 970 million EUR of damage, verified by the Supreme State Audit through illegal tenders, with pre-chosen winners, while investors are leaving and are abandoning this country. Corruption has the shape of government luxury, villas, 60.000 EUR glasses owned by Greg (Edi Rama’s son), while 46.2% of Albanians live with less than 5 USD a day, while 100.000 Albanians have left in a massive exodus. The CEZ corrutpion took 500 million EUR, while the corruption of Koco Kokedhima goes on. He has every fund, every license, every asset. This is the corruption Albanians see everyday in their lives. This is the oligarchy of corruption”, Duma said.

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