Vote counting, live on Top-Channel

14/05/2011 21:05

1.250.385 visits has had Top-Channel’s web page from the last Sunday,
when the voting process of May 8th local elections started, and until
this Thursday.

A boom of clicks with a record number of opened pages (5.923.809) and with time spent on page of 12.57 minutes for each visitor.

Another record is the 52,258 votes of the weekly poll.

This time, the poll addressed questions regarding the vote counting process.

“Do you think that the blocking and delays of the vote counting process are normal because of commissioners’ fatigue, or intentional?” 25% of the participators answered that it is normal, due to fatigue, and 75% see it as intentional.

This poll was opened this Tuesday and ended on Friday.

The vote counting results were shown real time in Top-Channel’s web pages, showing in parallel the results of the Central Election Commission and those reported by Top-Channel’s journalists after receiving the official statements of the Zonal Election Commissions.

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