SP attempts amendment that bans Judges and Prosecutors who failed Vetting from working as lawyers

21/07/2018 18:45

The Socialist majority insists on its initiative to ban from the judiciary system all prosecutors and judges who fail the vetting tests, not allowing them to work even a lawyers.

The proposition failed to be voted, but the Socialists added a new amendment for the law of defense lawyers and advocates, which will pass this Monday in Parliament.

The amendment aims to ban these judges and prosecutors from working as lawyers, but it goes against the verdict of the Constitutional Court, which, ironically, was approved by request of the Socialist Party. In that time, Socialists filed a complaint against the law for the profession of lawyers. The Constitutional Court ruled that the profession of lawyers is free and the ban should be for up to five years, not for always.

But if Socialists vote the law right now, there is nowhere it can be appealed, because the Constitutional Court now has only two members.


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