Shkoder flood, Mayor Ademi: “We need at least partial emergency situation declared”

21/03/2018 15:50

The Mayor of Shkoder, Voltana Ademi, said in a live interview for Top Channel tht they need to declare the partial emergency situation in Shkoder. She said that the number of people in need keeps growing.

“We are in a situation of emergency for the SubShkoder area. The flood map is increasing, taking homes and lands. We have emergencies with families but also with cattle. We were expecting the declaration of Civilian Emergency for Ana e Malit, Dajc, Trush, Berdica, Veliopja, Livadhe. The third problem is that emergency needs are increasing. We are in the third week. I have requested assistance on March 5th, today it’s the 21st. This is very flagrant and irresponsible. I don’t know what should happen more than this to have an emergency situation declared”, Ademi said.

She added that there are 600 isolated homes and their evacuation is very difficult due to the terrain.

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