PM Rama introduces the complaint channel for problems with the postponment of loan payments

09/04/2020 18:26

Through a Facebook post, Prime Minister Edi Rama announced today that for all those who are facing problems with the quarterly postponement of loans, the Bank of Albania has made available a complaint channel on its website.

Rama published the announcement of the Bank of Albania, for the citizens and businesses on restructuring the loan installments with the borrowing subjects:

“Following previous announcements, the Bank of Albania reiterates that citizens and businesses, whose financial situation has been negatively affected by the Covid-19 epidemic and at the same time are borrowing clients in banks or other financial entities, have the opportunity to apply for the process of postponing loan installments with these entities.
“Initially, you need to apply for an extension of your loan installments by explaining the financial difficulties as a result of the situation.
“If you do not find understanding with the banks / entities where you have the loan, you can contact the Bank of Albania to resolve this situation by writing to us at the email address:
[email protected].”

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