Orphans, still without a shelter

25/06/2011 17:00

Mikele is only 10 months old, the first child of two parents that were
grown as orphans. His mother Mjafti says that she has been sleeping on
park benches with her husband and her 10 months old son, after the
Dormitory Directory threw them out of the state building where they used
to lodge.

The young Mikele was hospitalized for some days, after catching a cold. His mother says that she doesn’t want to be separated by her husband and her son, because for her, being a parent is a very important mission.

Mjafti is unemployed, because she has to take care of the baby. Although an orphan, she doesn’t benefit from the orphan status and doesn’t receive economic help. This was because she has not been able to secure the necessary documentation. Her husband is unemployed and they secure the food for their son from their neighbors.

Other five young men have had her same destiny. After the academic year was over, the Directory of Dormitories emptied the rooms and threw them in the streets. All of them have asked for jobs at the Office of Labor, but they have always received negative answers.

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