First time that Hahn and Mogherini mention date when Balkan may join EU

17/11/2017 12:52

In a joint press release with the European Chief of Diplomacy, Federica Mogherini, the EU Commissioner for Enlargement, Johannes Hahn, mentioned for the first time a date for accession.

Hahn said that Serbia and the entire region may join the EU earlier than expected, by 2025/

“2025 is a very ambitious date, but I must say that based on the contribution and participation of everyone, it could be the date”, Hahn said.

The EU High Representative, Federica Mogherini, said that Balkan should be part of the EU.

She reminded the promise made years ago in Thessaloniki, and how this clear support of all 28 member countries was repeated this March.

“It’s my personal goal to see a practical progress within this mandate of the European Commission, for all Western Balkan countries, which will make their path to the EU irreversible.

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