DP: Counting votes of wrong ballot boxes

18/05/2011 01:55

The staff of the Democratic Party candidate, Lulzim Basha, asked every
vote to be counted, even those that were mistakenly inserted at the
wrong boxes, insisting that the Central Election Commission has the
right to announce the result based on these votes.

“It is clear now by the actions of Edi Rama, that if all ballots will be counted according a legal process, he will ask a revolt. Edi Rama’s actions clearly showed that if all votes will be counted through a legal process, he will not win. It is clear that by blocking the Central Election Commission, he is trying desperately to skip the legal process only for personal gains. It is clear that he is trying to shut down the citizen’s voice, because he doesn’t like what they are sayin”, declared Jorida Tabaku, candidate for Tirana’s Municipal Council.

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