Danish ambassador: EU integration, steps back

26/09/2011 00:00

The Ambassador of the Danish Kingdom in Tirana, Karsten Ankjaer Jensen,
invited at Top Channel’s “Wake Up” program, declared that the EU
door will be closed to Albania for failing to realize the integration reforms.

He answered to the moderator of the show, Eno Popi, of what is the International Community’s perception for Albania’s steps towards EU integration.

“My opinion, after following Albania’s events for three years now, is that the politicians here are not taking the integration seriously. I can say that I see one step ahead and two steps back. Sometimes even steps by the side, which is considered a step back. I’m sorry for being so direct, but I think that the Albanians must know and understand how things are. This is something sad to say, because other countries of the region, such as Kosovo, are more focused on their EU integration process. Unfortunately, this is not happening in Albania”, Jensen declared.

Asked about what should change in Albania’s policy for realizing the integration reforms, Ambassador Jensen declared:

“I would prefer avoiding the talks of who is to be blamed. The main message should be ‘what should change’: the politics and everything surrounding it, or the way how politics is managed in Albania. This is not consistent with what the EU asked for the integration. On the other hand, I think that the Albanian people work a lot for improving their life and that of their families. These are the ones who are working for Albania’s EU integration, but it is not enough. The politicians should do their job. But unfortunately, this is not happening and I think that it hasn’t happened for the past three years that I have been in Albania. And if it will continue like this, the consequences are obvious: EU’s door will be closed. The Albanian people do not deserve this, because they are Europeans in their hearts”.

The Danish Ambassador tried to explain why there is no reaction by the Albanian politicians for the problems identified by foreign diplomats in Tirana and by EU itself.

“It is very sad. All that the international community can do, and that we are doing, is to make it public in different ways, on the way we speak. We simply want to tell the Albanian people who these are said for making them part of the EU. But we cannot oblige Albania’s politicians. If they don’t realize what is demanded, that door will remain closed. It is as simple as that. The EU demands are not as difficult as the politicians’ behavior. As long as these things will not change, then the EU membership will have to wait”, Jensen declared.

The Danish Ambassador expressed his pessimism for a positive opinion on 12 October, when the European Commission will announce Albania’s progress report. According to him, there has been no progress in the reforms, and what’s more important, Albania lacks of the democratic spirit, including the way how politics is led.

“I have noted a destruction gene in the Albanian politics, which seems to be everywhere here. Albania has to find a cure for that”.

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