Children, too muxh time in front of TV

16/05/2011 15:45

At least 58% of the children under six years of age pass more than three hours
per day in front of the TV. Specialists from the Public Health Institute
have performed a study in 24 Albanian towns and cities, which resulted that
these children are less social and have a hard time relating with
their peers.

Parents must be careful, who in many cases leave their children in front of the TV for many hours, without controlling them. Psychologists think that children should not have TV in their rooms, because it steals from their playing time.

“The children that stay in front of the TV have more communication problems. Parents must be present when they watch TV,  to tell them that what happens on TV does not happen in real life”, explains Aulona Zotaj, specialist of the field.

Teenagers spend a lot of time in front of the TV and the Internet too, which besides from damaging their eyes, also detaches them from books.

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