CEC starts counting process

18/06/2011 17:15

The noisy and messy images seen in the counting process of Tirana Zonal Election Commissions are back, but with something
different. This time it took place in the Plenary Meeting room of the Central Election Commission. (UPDATE)

CEC started to put in act the Electoral
College’s order for opening the Tirana ballot boxes, looking
for miscast ballots.

There are 1793 boxes in total that will be scanned by CEC employees that are performing the process. Each table has two observers from both
political forces, while the groups looked for miscast ballots in the envelopes
for the contested votes.

This session started right away with contestations from SP observers, which were later followed by their legal representatives.

These contestations started after observers noted a lose seal at ballot box no. 1698.

4 miscast ballots were found in this box, but they were outside
the respective envelope. The same problem was found in box 1699/2, in
which two ballots were out of the envelope.

For this problem, CEC Chairman Arben Ristani declared that for as long
that the stamp of these ballots matches with the one of the voting
center, they will be counted and added to the tabulation.

Other problems were noted with what is called “the fifth code”. In three
boxes, this code did not match with the one that was written in the
summary report of the respective boxes.

Inside the boxes that were opened up to now, the groups found some
miscast ballots, but they were all declared as invalid by the Zonal
Election Commissions and belonged to the candidates for the Municipal
Units, the Municipal Council and candidates for Mayor of Tirana.

Although Mr. Ristani declared some days ago that this process would be
finished within one week, judging by today’s developments, it doesn’t
seem very likely to happen.

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